
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Technology Takeover

Technology has done so many incredible things for our society today. Through endless platforms, we can learn so much from and about the world around us. The information is never-ending and right at the tip of our fingers. A simple search on google can come up with about 4 billion results in 0.6 seconds. To have this type of information is incredible and quite honestly a privilege. It is incredible what one person can learn simply through technology. Youtube can show you how to change/replace anything on your car/lawnmower/stove/etc. in one simple tutorial video. You can practically travel the world from your computer through Google Earth. With Amazon, you can order a pack of gum and have it at your doorstep the very next day. Today’s technology is so advanced that it amazes me. Self-driving cars? Who would have thought? Most of the things that are possible with technology today, people could only imagine in this far away futuristic world. In this world everything was perfect and all the problems are solved. However, this is far from the truth. With this incredible technology, is it hurting us more than helping us? 

The internet: endless information. Let that sink in. There is so much to see and learn on the internet that can completely consume your life. You find yourself researching how to make a pie, then you are 2 hours into watching What Your Dog’s Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Dog. Is this information necessarily important? No. But do you now want to know what your dog's sleeping position means? Most likely yes. At least for me, I notice myself getting unnecessarily absorbed into the world of technology. I get distracted by it way too easily and end up spending an unnecessary amount of time on it. I will go on my phone to respond to a Snapchat or Text, then start tapping through Snapchat stories, then when I’m done with that I might go to Instagram, etc. The point is, it’s endless. You will never be able to watch all the youtube videos or all the Instagram pictures. I always say to myself, one more video or one more episode until it is 2 am and I just finished an entire TV Series. Now I am not saying that this happens to everyone, but it happens to more people than it should. Technology can be an incredible resource for so many things with the right amount of balance. 

Balancing your time with technology is not something that can happen overnight. Most of the things we do with our technology has become somewhat of a habit. I will wake up in the morning and spend about 20 minutes on my phone just checking up on what I missed and then start my day. I will do the same thing at night but it can be more consuming because I will most likely be on my phone or computer until my body is forcing my eyes shut. There is always more to see and the idea of not knowing makes me want to keep going. This scares me. I personally am the type of person who needs my time outside and with people. If I continue to let this technology rule my life I will miss out on so much more than I realize. People have forgotten how to live in the moment and see life for what it really is. We see all these amazing things through our screens but don’t think that we could experience it in real life. It is this alternate universe where everything is perfect, and if there is something we don't like, you can just click on the next video. 

There is so much I want to say about our society and how we abuse our technology and how it has taken over. I love all the incredible things it has done for our world and how much good it has done. However, it has also hurt our society so much and can end up doing more harm than good if certain information is put in the wrong hands. Anyone who has used technology in the developed world (which is almost everyone) has some sort of personal information about them online, even if it is something as simple as their name. This can connect you to your home address, phone number, what organizations you are a part of, or who you support depending on what you like, etc. Again, endless information. If this doesn’t scare you yet, imagining all the information you have put online, maybe not even knowing how much there is about you, in the hands of the wrong person or even country. Once something has been posted, there is no way of knowing who can or will see it. There are so many privacy scams that it is hard to trust most technology. If I were to give any advice on how to survive the world of technology, be smart, be balanced, and be aware.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Flaws of Main Stream Media

Main Stream Media is something that most people today are exposed to on a daily basis or are at least familiar with. A lot of people have mistrust in mainstream media for the information that is told is not always true. This happens when most of the media outlets are owned by most of the same few companies. There used to be about 50 companies that own all the news outlets. These range from newspapers, news shows, magazines, radio stations, etc. These companies used to all have their own that could fill all of the news outlets. However, today there are only 5 companies that own all of these news outlets.

Having only 5 companies own all of the stations that give out our information and news stories might sound nice, but, it is quite dangerous. This gives them the power to show only what they want to show. This can limit the amount of information we receive and even which information we receive. The editors can decide what they want to expose the population to, making it hard for them to be trustworthy. This can greatly affect the trust in people or even shape our beliefs. If the information we receive is controlled then it can change the way we think. 

These 5 companies or, “The Big Five”, own all of the news stations that give out the information we hear from all of our news stations. They all have their own beliefs and opinions on the information they receive and they are going to portray that information in a way that makes it look better for them. All of these companies (Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, News Corporation, Warner Media - AT&T, and ViacomCBS) have the power to warp the way we think about things. Now I am not necessarily saying that they are using their power for this, but who is to say what information they are withholding from us.

Echo Chamber Effect

There are many dangers in today’s world that threaten the individuality of people and who they are. Some of them we don’t even recognize that we have been trapped in. One of the threats is getting caught in an echo chamber. This might not sound like much but it can take away creativity, free-thinking, and you don’t always realize it.

An echo chamber normally happens when you are hearing the same information over and over again whether it is from people you know or over the internet. This information normally coincides with what you believe and supports your argument. The danger of this is when all you hear is an opinion that you agree with. This can falsely twist someone's viewpoint in showing them only what they want to see. By doing this, they don’t get to really have ideas for their own for there is nothing for them to argue against, hear contrary beliefs, or even just learn about an opposing view. 
The thing about echo chambers that is so dangerous is that you don’t always know when you are in one. They can happen anywhere at any time. It is, however, more commonly seen online. It is easier to find information and people that share the same beliefs and thoughts as you making things not as accurate as they seem. There are many more echo chambers online because of this and it is a lot easier to fall into one unknowingly.

If you are worried about being in an echo chamber, it is not the hardest thing to figure out. You need to overlook the information and figure out if there are opposing views or if it is all the same information, or if there is only one point of view. You also need to make sure that all of the information is actually true and researched, not rumor based. This is normally what echo chambers might include. It is so easy to check several sources of news, information, or other areas to find different viewpoints or perspectives. This will not only help you to strengthen your own beliefs but make it easier to defend your viewpoint because you are well rounded with the information you know. This is not always the easiest because not everything you want will always be right, but it will help you better understand your surroundings and the whole world around you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What Privacy?

The definition of privacy is: "the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people” ( It seems fairly simple, you get to live your life without anyone being in your business. You might think you get this through all of your online accounts or just day to day living. However, it is not possible to live a completely private life in today’s world. From street cameras to online account to other people’s phones, your life will never be completely private. 

It never quite occurred to me how much information could be collected on me by just driving my car somewhere. If it is not tracked by my GPS, then someone could have gotten me on their phone, or street camera or even a camera on a cop's car. I can be tracked going to the grocery store and not even know it. This might not seem like a huge deal until you are tracked everywhere you go and the government starts making a profile of where you go and what you are doing even if you didn’t do anything wrong. 

Facial recognition is one of the biggest things that makes me uneasy. When I was working on some photographs one day in iPhoto I noticed a section called faces. I hadn’t paid much attention to it until I saw a closeup image of my face. I clicked on it out of curiosity and started to play around with it. I added in a couple names to some faces then it scanned ALL of my photos within a matter of seconds and matched up all the faces to the names that I had just put in. I was utterly stunned. While I was very impressed (even though it was not 100% accurate), I was also nervous. What else could it do if my computer can not only just show me a picture but who is in it and where it was taken. Cool…but scary.

Privacy was not much I had thought about until I got Instagram. I make an effort to make sure all my accounts are private and I know who follows me. This way I feel safer about what I post and who sees it. It’s my life I should be able to control it, right? Wrong. While a lot of social media accounts promise privacy from other people, they collect information about you in order to know what you like and don't like. With this data, they collect and use it to use for advertising and other things. The idea that my computer or phone might know more about me than I do myself does not make me feel totally comfortable.  While I did not touch on every aspect of our security and lifestyles, who’s to say what they are listening to, not only through our phone calls but simply from our pockets as well.

Privacy in a Public World

In today’s society, being socially active is not uncommon. Most people I know all have at least one platform of social media from Facebook to Instagram to twitter and the list goes on. Even something as simple as having a website is showing your presence online. While I do not normally consider myself to have much of an online footprint, I can definitely say it is bigger than some. 

As for websites, I created one a couple years ago for business use. My initial goal was to be able to sell some of my artwork off of it. I created it for professional use giving out my name and email. I chose not to include my phone number because I felt like that would be too personal. In the end, I never really used the website but I also never took it down. 

I also use a few other social media sites for entertainment but also communication. I personally have Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat,. Instagram and Snapchat are definitely the top two sites I use. I use Instagram to mainly share artsy pictures I take and the accomplishments or videos I have made. This is probably my most personal account. If someone were to look at it, they could get a general idea of what my life is like. They would see what I like to do, where I have traveled, some of my friends and pets, and what I look like. While they might have all these pictures, I only have my shared my first name. I do not put my number or email on any of my sites or my last name. As for Facebook, I only created an account for school purposes and used my nickname to not give out too much information. 

Personal information to me is anything other than my first name, and sometimes even that. I have a backup email that I use for snap mail and things such as social media accounts. Normally you cannot create an account without an email or number. This is when I use my backup email. While I might give out this email for certain sites or social media, I would never give them my password for it. When entering the world of social media, it is hard to control what is posted or seen about you by other people and knowing who can use your information. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to what you post because even if it is deleted, it is never truly gone.

I believe that social media definitely has its perks and downsides. While it is a great way to show what you have accomplished or show-off where you have traveled, etc., it can also bring others down. I have seen the different ways social media has effected so many people I know. Some positively and a lot negatively. People mostly only post good things in life showing only that side. This can make people jealous or want that “perfect” life that people advertise through their accounts. They want everything they see and don’t have and then can’t appreciate what they do have. It has almost become a competition for who can have the coolest life shown through their social media. While this is not everyone’s story or idea on social media, everyone is effected by it in different ways and it might not always be positive.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Diffusion of Innovations and Snapchat

The Diffusion of Innovation is a theory of how communication spreads. A small number of people adapt to new inventions of communication and these early adopters are one of the elements that can make or break these new platforms. With more users, there will be more chance of success. One of the more recent and successful innovations for online communications is Snapchat.

Snapchat has spread rapidly throughout the world within the first few years of its debut. With a bit of a slow start, the early adopters were the ones who really made it take off. While Snapchat is a source of communication, you need other users to talk to. This is another way in how Snapchat thought ahead. With the need for other users, these early adopters would send invitations to their friends to join. They all talk amongst themselves making the number of users increase dramatically. As more and more users join, the early majority of users hit the tipping point. The tipping point is when the majority of the users have already joined and the only people left to joiner the late adopters and the laggards. For Snapchat, these people tend to be kids who have turned the age where they can get the app for themselves and start using it (or parents who have been introduced to it by their kids-the early adopters).

The downsides of this technology, Snapchat, can vary from person to person. The most common downside of Snapchat is normally time consumption. People will spend more time than needed on this app and they will keep going back to it because there is always stuff to do on it. You are drawn in by not only talking to your friends but also watching what they are doing with their lives through their stories. While this helps to keep the app alive and very popular it has changed the way people have chosen to communicate with other people and maybe even distracted them from the world around them. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Promoting Individualism

7. Promote Innovation — see Jack BalkinLiving Originalism
A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.

Freedom of speech is not something that can be found everywhere in the world. It is, however, one of the founding principals of America. Because of this, America tends to be more informed and has more open communication between its people. We the people of America can speak freely because there is no threat from governmental repercussions. 

Of the Eight Values of Free Expression, the seventh value stands out the most. It stresses the importance of freedom within a community to create happiness and creativity. With the freedom our country has given us, individuals are more inspired to speak freely of themselves and their beliefs. I think that this is inspiring because it allows people to think for themselves and express their thoughts. Living in a community where you can think for yourself enables creative thinkers which build even more pronounced creativity. If an individual can share their thoughts and ideas, it gives an opportunity for others to build off of those ideas. 

The Renaissance era is a great example of how people learn to build off each other's ideas to create better art. Today in our technical society, some might overlook art as being meaningful. However, the free flow of ideas during this time period reflects perfectly what a “more energized, creative, interesting society” would look like. These artists all grew off of each other's visions and styles and interpreted them in their own ways. This is what freedom of creativity/speech looks like and encourages. When you are surrounded by different thoughts and perspectives, you are able to grow off them and you’re own perceptions become endless. 
While this might sound perfect, we are humans meaning nothing is absolute. This means that there are some restrains to speech. One example would include not being able to yell “fire” in a movie theatre. While this is a very simple and well-known example, there is also the sad through of political correctness. In other words, political correctness inhibits people from the actual truths about their surroundings. This discourages people from hearing the whole truth keeping them from being able to fully think for themselves. In extreme conditions, this can even lead to a lack of understanding about the world around you and how people could lean towards communism.

Communism and the freedom of speech are on opposite ends of the spectrum. A country ruled by communism has no freedom of speech. Its citizens are under the government's speech regulations often leading to a community living in fear of their own thoughts. For example, Venezuela just went under strong communist rule and its country and economy has been going downhill ever since. Televisions and radio stations were taken over by the government and were limited to what they could talk about leaving the people with very biased information. With this extreme censorship and fear of speech freedom, it has created a “brain drain” ( to its citizens. This means that the original "thinkers" of the country flee leaving the economy with only followers. These followers lack the originalism and creativity that might otherwise be there with freedom of speech and expression.