Youtube is a very useful tool in today’s society for not only entertainment and learning new things but as a communication tool as well. At first, youtube was very small and did not start off as successful. After a Nike commercial hit over one million views, Youtube really started to take off. This growth was very rapid and more and more users started to get on the new trend. This is how Youtube started its upward climb that continues to this day.
Youtube is a great tool that really anyone could use and benefit from. The idea is simple and it is very simple to use so more people are urged to use it. While some people might think that Youtube is just for trendy vloggers, there is so much more to it. Yes, there are many platforms of entertainment including the classic vloggers, but there are also so many other videos about education, politics, tutorials, music, etc. There is an endless amount of options out there.
Youtubers (aka vloggers) have found a way to get paid through the making of their videos. Through each view, they get they are paid a certain amount. The videos are normally for entertainment, however, some people do makeup tutorials, life advice, or even life hacks. They make a living by communicating or sharing their life with anyone that wants to see. There are so many great things you can learn from Youtube, from how to change your oil or what’s going on in politics. There are an endless amount of options on Youtube and you can find it so easily.
The impact is incredible with how easy it is to access and work. Youtube can give so much more information than you'd expect. While it is very informative, youtube can also be very distracting. You might be looking for one video about curling hair and end up an hour into watching videos and you are now watching puppies playing. While this might not be the worst thing, Youtube is very consuming of time if you let it be, and maybe that is the point of it.
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